Jefferson Land Trust logo

For everything important — we look to the land.

For clean air to breathe, local food to eat, and fresh water to drink.

For the survival of the plants, fish, animals, and birds that share and define our home.

For a thriving economy that lifts up our region and gives back more than it takes.

For places to roam, rest, learn, and connect with nature.

For inspiration on how to live and work in regenerative ways in every corner of our county.

We look to the land to help us imagine new ways to adapt to our changing world — and create a healthier future for all of us.

This is our campaign for a resilient future.

Together, we can face tomorrow with creativity, vision, and hope — with the land as our guide.

Look to the Land is a three-year $8.25 million campaign that will bring to life our community’s best conservation ideas for how to live and work with the land in creative and regenerative ways.

Green Pine Tree Icon Image


Chimacum Ridge Community Forest

$3 million

Creating a model community forest for all on Chimacum Ridge that will inspire new ways to live and work in balance with the land, drive a local wood economy, and offer an array of recreational and educational opportunities.


Flexible Opportunity Fund

$1.5 million

Establishing a Flexible Opportunity Fund that will give the Land Trust the ready capital needed to compete in a heated real estate market, and to invest in exciting new conservation ideas that promote equitable access to land.


Forever Fund Operating Endowment

$3 million

Growing our Forever Fund Operating Endowment to guarantee our ability to protect and restore the land in our care and allowing us to honor the commitment we make each time we protect local farmland, forestland, and wildlife habitat.

Interested in learning more about the
Look to the Land Campaign? Join our campaign co-chairs and executive staff for a virtual campaign briefing with Q&A to follow.


Land for Today: Chimacum Ridge Community Forest.

We will bring to life a shared vision for a model community forest that will inspire a whole new way to live in reciprocal relationship to the land and its resources.

The campaign has helped complete the purchase of 853 acres on Chimacum Ridge and now will help transform it into a community forest that is designed, managed, and directed by the community. Chimacum Ridge Community Forest will drive a local wood economy, provide timber and other harvest resources for partner nonprofits and Tribes, offer recreational and educational opportunities for community members and visitors, and sequester carbon — all while preserving critical wildlife habitat.

Interested in taking a tour of Chimacum Ridge today?


“We’re asking, what can we do to restore methods of forest management that nourish the land and the wildlife that depend upon it, and support the community in positive ways? Chimacum Ridge is a unique opportunity for us to chart a new path forward, and philanthropy will make it possible.”

- Richard Tucker, Executive Director, Jefferson Land Trust

Land for Tomorrow: Flexible Opportunity Fund

The campaign will establish a fund that will allow us to respond quickly to conservation opportunities important to our region, and put our community’s most creative conservation ideas into action.

In a fast-moving market increasingly stressed by development pressures, philanthropy will give us needed flexibility to respond quickly to opportunities to protect working farmland, wildlife habitat, and forests. This fund will:

Help increase access to land for young farmers, small business owners, communities historically excluded from land access, and others.

Allow us to invest in our community’s most forward-thinking and entrepreneurial ideas like a new Conservation Burial and Memorial Forest program.

“Jefferson County’s needs are evolving, and our conservation tools must too. This campaign is about more than responding to threats — it’s about creating opportunities to live and work in the place we love.”

- Sarah Spaeth, Director of Conservation and Strategic Partnerships, Jefferson Land Trust

Land Forever: Forever Fund Operating Endowment

This campaign will help build a strong backbone for all our work so that our community and the land we rely on remain healthy and strong — no matter what. A healthy endowment ensures we have the security and resources to adapt to a shifting landscape and respond to unexpected crises while creating reliable funding streams for operations each year.

The campaign offers the opportunity to make an irrevocable gift from your estate which will count toward the Forever Fund's goal. Learn more about estate gift options

“I invite you all to think of your ancestors and their stories and their experiences — which are yours, which are all of ours. What kind of future ancestor do you want to be? What is the legacy you are creating?”

- Heather Kawamoto, Kawamoto Farm

This is our time to prepare for the greatest threats to our climate and community, and shape the future that all living things deserve.

We can organize for a stronger future in Jefferson County — when we look to the land as our guide.

Please consider making a special campaign gift in addition to your sustained annual support. 

Gifts of all sizes are welcome.


Other Ways To Give Today

Gifts of $5,000 or greater may pledged over a period of up to five years.

To make a pledge of $5,000 or more download the
pledge form here or pledge your support online here.

By Mail: Please make checks payable to JEFFERSON LAND TRUST (Note "Look to the Land" in the memo line) and mail to Jefferson Land Trust, 1033 Lawrence Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368

By Stock Transfer: Fidelity Investments: Account name: Jefferson Land Trust; Clearing #0226, Account #Z50244180 Jefferson Land Trust Tax ID: 91-1465078.

Please alert us when you make a stock gift so that your donation can be directed to the campaign.

For campaign questions, please contact Director of Philanthropy Kate Godman at, or 360.379.9501 x102.

Honorary Campaign Co-Chairs
W. Ron Allen, Chairman and CEO, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe
Steve Moore, Former Jefferson Land Trust Board President

Campaign Co-Chairs
Ellen Ferguson, Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
Phil Vogelzang, Chimacum Ridge Landowner

Jefferson Land Trust Board: Brian Rogers (President), Tim Lawson (Vice President), Sherry Moller (Vice President), Craig Britton (Treasurer), Jane Guiltinan (Secretary), Jen Harrison, Julie Lockhart, Barry Mitzman, Tom Sanford, Edward Thompson, Jr., Ben Wilson, Rick York

Campaign Steering Committee (as of March 1, 2024)
Carleen Bruins, Retired Environmental Educator
Malcolm Dorn, President of Wallyworks Enterprises
Nan Evans, Host of KPTZ’s Nature Now and Former Jefferson Land Trust Board Member
Scott Freeman, Writer and Forest Owner
Glenda Hultman Geerlofs, Attorney and Former Land Trust Board Member
Crystie Kisler, Co-Founder, Finnriver Farm & Cidery and Chimacum Center
Kees Kolff, Co-Founder, Port Townsend EcoVillage
Barry Mitzman*, Jefferson Land Trust Board Member
Brian Rogers*, Jefferson Land Trust Board President
Meredith Wagner, Community Volunteer

Frequently asked questions


Thank you to our photographers: Caitlin Battersby, Wendy Feltham, John Gussman, Robert Tognoli, Kerry Tremain, and Chrissie White